As we explained back in February, whenever there is a fifth Thursday in the month, we want to take that opportunity to share with you what is going on around Living Leadership, where we see God at work and what we are seeking him for going forward.
We’re praising God for….
…growth and change in our staff team

The last quarter has been a time of change for the Living Leadership staff team.
In May, Phil Swinburn finished his time on staff with us. We are praising God for him and all that he did during his time at LL, leading on growing our Refreshment Days and Refresh Network Online and contributing to the ministry and staff team in a multitude of other ways. It was a joy to serve with him and we are continuing to pray for him and his family, and looking forward to serving with him in other ways going forward.
As we talked about in our last news post, the end of Phil’s role led to a small restructuring in the roles and responsibilities of our team. Helen’s role increased so she now manages all the Refresh Ministries and the Network, and we are delighted to welcome Wendy into a new Ministries Administrator position.
Coinciding with the start of Wendy’s role, we held our inaugural staff retreat. As a scattered staff, it was wonderful to have the opportunity to spend a few days together for fellowship, to dream, and to think about how we can better work together to serve leaders and spouses.
Please join us in praising God for all the ways he has had his hand in steering this ministry and bringing together this team. We’d love your prayers for all of us as we seek to adapt to the changes and learn to work as this new team. Please especially pray for Wendy as she settles into the new role.
…the launch of our first on-demand Formation course

Another big milestone in this period was the launch of our first on-demand video course, the Pastoral Care Foundations Course.
This was the first of our vision for courses that can be utilised by individuals and teams, in their context, in their own time. This first course aims to equip those with roles in pastoral care, with our hope to follow up with future courses such as one for leadership teams.
It is our hope that the Lord might use this course to equip churches around the country. Please do join us in praying that this might be so.
We’re praying for…
…Formation Residential Conferences
We are currently putting together the final details for the next year of Formation Residential Conferences, intending to launch booking in the next week or two.
Formation Residentials are twice-yearly conferences for those in their first ministry role, often church internships though it is open to anyone in a junior or trainee role.
The landscape of trainee roles in churches has changed in recent years and we continue to pray about how this conference may continue to best serve the churches and individuals who attend. We’d value prayers for the team as they pray and plan for the year ahead.
…new Associates
We are so thankful for the way the Lord continues to grow our Network, so that we have more people to deliver the support and training we offer.
Whilst some Associates have stepped away in recent months to focus on other things, the Lord continues to provide more people to partner with us. In the last year we have welcomed seven new Associates, and we are looking forward to interviewing three more potential Associates in the coming weeks, with more applications expected in the coming months.
We are praying that these interviews go well, and that the Lord might continue to bring the right people to partner in this work, and that we might be the right people to support them in their ministries also.
Won’t you join us in praising God for all he has been doing in LL and praying for the work ahead?