Formation Residentials
“[Formation Residentials are] so foundational to the whole year and what we’re trying to do on the Ministry Training Scheme because it’s not looking at developing skills, it’s not about increasing knowledge, but it’s actually about the heart… its really about the person of the Christian leader.”
Church Leader

Character-focussed training for junior leaders
How can you give your junior leaders the best start?
The demands of new ministry roles often mean prioritising skills and competency over spiritual formation. We know that establishing these rhythms and heart attitudes are essential for sustainable joy-filledservice. Formation Residential Conferences are designed to complement your existing training by helping new leaders to ask “What does healthy Christian leadership look like?”
Across the two conferences, in September and March, we teach about living in the love of God day by day (including disciplines around rest and using our time), experiencing God’s grace, loving God’s church, becoming Christ-like, and being a servant.
We also encourage supervisors of junior leaders and overseers of church internship schemes to accompany their delegates. This provides a great opportunity for teams to bond and be refreshed together. We would love supervisors to take an active part in the program - sharing their wisdom and experiences with the junior leaders.
What people say about Formation Residentials:
Who are the Formation Residential Conferences for?
Formation Residentials are for anyone getting their first taste of ministry. Traditionally this will be those in trainee or internship roles in churches and organisations, though anyone in their first ministry role is welcome and would benefit from the content.
The content has relevance those exploring vocational ministry and is also beneficial for equipping believers to live a life of joy-filled faith and service beyond their current roles.
We’d also love to have any supervisors join us! This provides a great opportunity for teams to bond and be refreshed together. We encourage supervisors to take an active part in the program - sharing their wisdom and experiences with the junior leaders.
What to expect at a Formation Residential Conference
Across the three days of the conference delegates will take part in a variety of sessions, including seminar-style sessions, expository sessions and an open Q&A. We also try to ensure there is plenty of space to reflect on the things they are learning individually, in groups or by talking one-to-one with a member of the team.
As a conference particularly for junior leaders, it provides an ideal opportunity to get to know others in similar roles with similar challenges. With this in mind we also build in time to socialise and have fun with the other delegates and team.
What is the difference between the autumn and spring conference?
Many roles start (or re-start) in line with the academic year, so our September Conference is designed with this in mind. The conference is intended to help leaders lay essential foundations for sustainable and joy-filled ministry, particularly as they start to establish routines and get to grips with ministry life. We cover subjects such as enjoying God’s grace, loving the Church, becoming Christ-like, being a servant, and day-to-day disciplines and tips for living in the love of God. We also take time to help them understand what changes they may experience as they transition into a formal role at church (where applicable).
Our March conference provides an opportunity for the junior leaders to stop and take stock. Throughout the Conference, we help them unpack how they see the Lord teaching and developing them, and the areas that have been challenging for them. We tackle important subjects such as “faith vs. going through the motions”, and how to set our hearts and minds on Jesus especially as we might need consider what’s next. Throughout this conference, we spend time dwelling on Jesus and the grace we have received in him - a balm for those who are weary and an encouragement to spur the junior leaders on.
Our junior leaders are undertaking a ministry training courses, should they still attend a Conference like this?
Ministry Training Courses provide vital training in theology, Bible handling and practical skills, however by prioritisng such aspects of ministry they often don't cover topics relating to the life and heart of the junior leader. This is where Formation Residentials come in!
All conference tickets include meals throughout the course of the conference (breakfast, lunch and dinner) which are served at the conference venue.
Accommodation tickets (shared and single) include accommodation at a nearby Travelodge. You are welcome to arrange your own accommodation if you’d prefer.
What are the food and accommodation options?
Several ticket options are available at the time of purchase.
All conference tickets include meals throughout the course of the conference (breakfast, lunch and dinner) which are served at the conference venue.
Accommodation tickets (shared and single) include accommodation at a nearby Travelodge. You are welcome to arrange your own accommodation if you’d prefer.