Formation Residential Conferences 2024/25
Tue, 10 Sept
Character-focussed training for junior leaders at twice-yearly residential conferences

Time & Location
10 Sept 2024, 13:00 – 12 Sept 2024, 14:00
Nottingham, Cornerstone Church, 90 Castle Blvd, Nottingham NG7 1FP, UK
About the Event
Since 2006, Formation Residentials have been complementing the training churches and Christian organisations provide for developing junior leaders by laying essential foundations for life in ministry as a disciple-maker in a context of encouragement, support, fun and fellowship with other people from across the country at the same stage as you in ministry. (Find out more)
We'd love you/your team to join us at this year's conferences.
Booking your place:
Booking is now open for the whole year or our September Conference.
Several options are available including Single Rooms, Shared Rooms and No Accommodation. All tickets grant the holder access to the conference and all meals at the venue (this includes breakfast, lunch and dinner where applicable), the only difference is accommodation. Where we arrange accommodation, this will be at a local Travelodge.
If you wish to pay by BACS please enter the following Coupon code during the payment process: BACSpayment
We will then follow up with an invoice within 3 working days.
To guarantee a room at the Travelodge, we will need Single and Shared Room bookings by Thursday 8th August at the latest. After this time, only remaining spaces in shared rooms and "No Accommodation" tickets will be available. Ticketholders will need to arrange their own accommodation. (If you wish to come for both conferences but want us to arrange the accommodation for the second, please by a September only no Accommodation ticket and we will book you on to March separately).
If the cost is a barrier to you, please reach out and we will see what discounts or alternative accommodation options we may be able to provide.
We also encourage supervisors to come along with their teams as it is a great way to get to know them, hear what they are learning and be encouraged yourself. To help churches do this we want to offer the conference for free to supervisors. This means you will only have to pay for accommodation. To do this, select the "Supervisor offer" tickets below.